How digital culture is reshaping our faces and bodies | Elise Hu

As “beauty filters” proliferate on social media platforms like TikTok, journalist Elise Hu says we’ve entered the era of the technological gaze, where the digital world shapes real-world beauty standards. She explains how to navigate…

6 ways to make better online connections | Margaux Miller

Networking expert Margaux Miller offers a fresh playbook for making meaningful connections online, presenting six tips for building online relationships that emphasize quality over quantity and the importance of genuine, personalized interactions. Learn how to…

Can salad dressing transform capitalism? | Alex Amouyel

What if businesses were designed to maximize impact — not just profits? Alex Amouyel, president and CEO of Newman’s Own Foundation, details the organization’s commitment to donate all of the profits from the food company…

Climate progress isn’t a sprint — it’s a marathon | Greg De Temmerman

Fighting climate change is much like long-distance running: a complex journey filled with obstacles, fast-changing conditions and the need for constant adaptation. Drawing on his own experience as an ultramarathon runner, energy expert Greg de…

How AI will answer questions we haven’t thought to ask | Aravind Srinivas

Human potential will only accelerate with AI answering questions better and faster than ever before, says Aravind Srinivas, cofounder and CEO of conversational search engine Perplexity. He examines the trends driving new AI-powered tools that…

Confessions of a recovering people pleaser | Baron Ryan

Internet filmmaker Baron Ryan talks to himself, but he doesn’t always like what he has to say. In a funny, existential play (where Ryan plays both himself and his mind), he contemplates the paradox of…

How AI is decoding ancient scrolls | Julian Schilliger and Youssef Nader

AI researcher Youssef Nader and digital archaeologist Julian Schilliger share how they used AI to virtually “unroll” and decode the Herculaneum scrolls, burnt and buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius nearly 2,000 years ago….

I’m a conservative — and I care about the climate, too | Danielle Butcher Franz

Environmental challenges aren’t for just one political party to deal with — everyone must work together to solve them, says conservation champion Danielle Butcher Franz. Drawing on her work with young conservatives mobilizing environmental action,…

How to turn setbacks into success | Amy Shoenthal

Success rarely happens in a straight line, with setbacks all but guaranteed along the way. What’s the best way to recover? Leadership coach Amy Shoenthal lays out the four phases of the “setback cycle” and…

The art of marketing — for good | Raja Rajamannar

Can marketing transcend traditional business goals and actually be a force for good? Mastercard CMO Raja Rajamannar shares how purpose-driven initiatives — like “touch cards” for the visually impaired and debit cards that let people…
