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7 kuud on möödas Irene TEDxTallinna lavalseismisest, teema on endiselt magusvalus ja aktuaalne.
Jonatan Vseviovi TEDxTallinn kõne on nüüd ka eesti keeles olemas 🙂 Aitäh, Eesti Ekspress! Lugemist väärt!
Väliministeeriumi kantsler Jonatan Vseviov rääkis TEDx Tallinna üritusel, miks Ukraina võidust sõltub kogu Euroopa edasine saatus. Ekspress avaldab kantsleri esitatud ettekande täismahus.
NOTE FROM TED: This talk reflects the speaker’s personal political views. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx …
Kolm päeva tagasi, mil tähistasime Eesti 106. sünnipäeva, täitus kaks aastat Venemaa pealetungi algusest Ukrainasse. Jonatan Vseviovi – välisministeeriumi kantsleri & diplomaadi – soovitus on
When it comes to shaping history, it's the results that matter | Jonatan Vseviov | TEDxTallinn
NOTE FROM TED: This talk reflects the speaker’s personal political views. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx …
- How to divorce as allies, not enemies | Allison O’Brienon 14/02/2025
Ending a marriage doesn’t have to mean ending a family, says communication expert Allison O’Brien, who navigated her own divorce without lawyers or mediators. She introduces a framework for ensuring a divorce remains peaceful, supports children and creates a new family dynamic that nurtures everyone involved.
- Will AI make us the last generation to read and write? | Victor Riparbellion 13/02/2025
Technology is changing our world — and how we communicate — at an astonishing rate. So much so that entrepreneur Victor Riparbelli predicts that artificial intelligence will drive audio and video to replace text as our primary form of communication by the end of this decade. He imagines a world where anyone can create a Hollywood film, receive personalized education or communicate via hyper-realistic avatars — all in the time it takes to read a book.
- How little experiments can lead to big success | Emmanuel Acho and David Epsteinon 13/02/2025
Are your goals and resolutions actually holding you back from becoming your best self? Emmanuel Acho — a former NFL player, now an author and TV sports analyst — sits down with investigative reporter David Epstein to explore why goal-setting often backfires. They dive into how letting go of rigid goals and embracing flexibility can spark meaningful growth and help you discover what really drives you forward. (This live conversation was part of a TED Membership event. Visit ted.com/membership to support TED today and join more exclusive events like this one.)
- Why joy is a serious way to take action | Pattie Goniaon 12/02/2025
While doom and gloom may wake people up, joy keeps them in the fight, says drag queen and environmentalist Pattie Gonia. With humor, creativity and a dress made of thrifted shower curtains and upcycled pink flamingo pool floaties, Pattie shows why embracing fun might be the key to building a stronger, more inclusive climate movement.
- The power shift US politics needs | Anathea Chinoon 11/02/2025
As the cofounder of Advance Native Political Leadership, Anathea Chino creates space for Native American leaders to thrive in an often unwelcoming political system. Alongside comedian and filmmaker Negin Farsad, she discusses the power of diverse identities in politics, how her organization prepares Indigenous people to lead politically and why even “an average white guy” should support their work.