How to think computationally about AI, the universe and everything | Stephen Wolfram

Drawing on his decades-long mission to formulate the world in computational terms, Stephen Wolfram delivers a profound vision of computation and its role in the future of AI. Amid a debut of mesmerizing visuals depicting…

My quest to end the horror of gun violence in the US | Lucy McBath

US Congresswoman Lucy McBath has made it her mission to seek bipartisan solutions for gun safety, leading the way in sponsoring so-called “red flag” laws that prevent gun violence and mass shootings. In a searing…

How comedy helps us deal with hard truths | Roy Wood Jr.

There’s a saying that comedy is tragedy plus time. Perhaps that’s why some of our biggest problems feel easiest to manage with a dose of humor. Comedian, journalist and actor Roy Wood Jr. has spent…

A simple way to inspire your team | David Burkus

Using paychecks, perks and carefully worded mission statements plastered on posters, companies are on a never-ending quest to find what drives morale at work. An underappreciated solution lies in the answer to one simple question,…

How to make learning as addictive as social media | Luis von Ahn

When technologist Luis von Ahn was building the popular language-learning platform Duolingo, he faced a big problem: Could an app designed to teach you something ever compete with addictive platforms like Instagram and TikTok? He…

A cleaner world could start in a rice field | Jim Whitaker and Jessica Whitaker Allen

Rice is the world’s largest food source — and it’s also a massive emitter of methane gas, a key contributor to climate change. Fifth-generation rice farmer Jim Whitaker and his daughter, farmer and conservationist Jessica…

Caregiving is real work — let’s treat it that way | Sharmi Surianarain

Every day, people around the world spend 16 billion hours on unpaid care work — cooking for families, caring for children and older relatives and other routine household tasks — often in addition to other…

The ordinary people doing extraordinary things in Ukraine | Oleksandra Matviichuk

How do we defend people’s freedom and dignity against authoritarianism, when the “law of war” doesn’t seem to apply anymore? In the face of the Russian occupation of Ukraine, human rights lawyer and Nobel laureate…

Let’s reframe cancel culture | Sarah Jones

Cancel culture launched a reckoning that was long overdue — but that doesn’t mean it’s getting everything right. Filmmaker and actor Sarah Jones slips in and out of various characters as she shares her personal…

To support people at work, focus on needs — not identity | Gabrielle Novacek

What do people really need to feel supported at work? Organizational strategist Gabrielle Novacek offers an answer that could transform the traditional approach to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts and change how companies help…
