Many speakers with new ideas, each one of them entirely unique!
Invigorating discoveries that make us feel good on different levels
Encouraging stories that inspire to take action
7 kuud on möödas Irene TEDxTallinna lavalseismisest, teema on endiselt magusvalus ja aktuaalne.
Jonatan Vseviovi TEDxTallinn kõne on nüüd ka eesti keeles olemas 🙂 Aitäh, Eesti Ekspress! Lugemist väärt!
Väliministeeriumi kantsler Jonatan Vseviov rääkis TEDx Tallinna üritusel, miks Ukraina võidust sõltub kogu Euroopa edasine saatus. Ekspress avaldab kantsleri esitatud ettekande täismahus.
NOTE FROM TED: This talk reflects the speaker’s personal political views. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx …
Kolm päeva tagasi, mil tähistasime Eesti 106. sünnipäeva, täitus kaks aastat Venemaa pealetungi algusest Ukrainasse. Jonatan Vseviovi – välisministeeriumi kantsleri & diplomaadi – soovitus on
When it comes to shaping history, it's the results that matter | Jonatan Vseviov | TEDxTallinn
NOTE FROM TED: This talk reflects the speaker’s personal political views. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx …
- Can AI match the human brain? | Surya Gangulion 04/02/2025
AI is evolving into a mysterious new form of intelligence — powerful yet flawed, capable of remarkable feats but still far from human-like reasoning and efficiency. To truly understand it and unlock its potential, we need a new science of intelligence that combines neuroscience, AI and physics, says neuroscientist and Stanford professor Surya Ganguli. He shares a vision for a future where this interdisciplinary approach helps us create AI that mimics human cognition, while at the same time offering new ways to understand and augment our own brains.
- Do you talk to yourself? Here’s how to harness your inner voice | Ethan Krosson 04/02/2025
Your inner voice is a powerful tool for self-reflection and planning, but it can also trap you in negative thought loops — “chatter,” as psychologist and neuroscientist Ethan Kross calls it. He shares tips for quieting the less helpful aspects of the voice inside your head as well as how to harness chatter to overcome doubt, enhance your focus and transform your well-being.
- The high-wire act of unlocking clean energy | Jason Huangon 31/01/2025
Why are we using tech from 100 years ago to deliver the world’s electricity? Materials scientist Jason Huang shows how we could massively upgrade the global power grid by replacing the wires in existing transmission lines with new, advanced conductors, helping us affordably meet rising energy demands while unlocking a cleaner, more climate-resilient future.
- The secret to telling a great story — in less than 60 seconds | Jenny Hoyoson 30/01/2025
For social media creator and viral video hitmaker Jenny Hoyos, the key to telling a great story is to keep it brief. She breaks down her framework for telling stories in 60 seconds or less that can gain millions of views online — or simply elevate your everyday conversations.
- Why daylight is the secret to great sleep | Christine Blumeon 29/01/2025
Does the type and amount of light you’re exposed to during the day change how well you sleep at night? Diving into the effects of daylight on your internal biological clock, sleep scientist Christine Blume shares practical tips for making natural light part of your daily routine — and shows why stepping outside might be the simplest, most impactful change you can make to get better rest.