Former NFL quarterback Alex Smith almost died after a particularly rough tackle snapped his leg in 2018 — yet he was back on the field just two years later. In this inspiring talk, he shares…
As actress Nicole Maines points out, we all unwittingly play supporting roles in each others’ life stories — for better or worse. With charm and aplomb, she shares her experience growing up as a trans…
Global obesity rates are on the rise, but body shaming campaigns are doing more harm than good, says medical anthropologist Nancy N. Chen. Reflecting on how the cultural histories of body ideals have changed over…
Could an everyday clothing item help protect your health? In this quick talk, TED Fellow Alicia Chong Rodriguez introduces us to a smart bra designed to gather real-time data on biomarkers like heartbeat, breath and…
In this fascinating conversation, cosmologist and TED Fellow Katie Mack delves into everything from the Big Bang theory to what we see at the edge of the observable universe to a few ways the cosmos…
Government deficits have gotten a bad rap, says economist Stephanie Kelton. In this groundbreaking talk, she makes the case to stop looking at government spending as a path towards frightening piles of debt, but rather…
Sci-fi writer Chen Qiufan doesn’t fear a dystopian future. Instead, he believes developments in artificial intelligence will make all of our lives better, healthier and safer. He takes us on a tour of the next…
Have you found yourself staying up late, joylessly bingeing TV shows and doomscrolling through the news, or simply navigating your day uninspired and aimless? Chances are you’re languishing, says organizational psychologist Adam Grant — a…
Land restoration is about more than planting trees, says environmentalist Susan Graham. Check out how her team combines drone technology with ecology-trained AI to restore degraded land and revive complex, biodiverse ecosystems — whether it’s…
2021 is a critical year for climate change. According to the Paris Climate Agreement, governments must decide now on how to reduce the amount of carbon they pump into the atmosphere in order to avoid…